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Sunday Mornings

If you are planning to visit the Altha Church of God on a Sunday, our doors open at 10:00am and service begins at 10:30am.

What To Expect

At Altha Church of God you can expect to be welcomed as family into a friendly, casual environment by people who are excited to see you. Regardless of your background or where you are on your spiritual journey, we look forward to your visit and hope that you find a home with us.

As our mission states, we exist to love God, love people, serve others, and reflect Jesus. One of the main ways we put this mission into practice is during our Sunday morning services. Every aspect of our service is designed and intended to honor God and serve our congregation through various expressions of our faith.

Welcome & Fellowship. Each service begins with an opportunity to meet and greet those in attendance.

Worship. Our service typically begins with a time of singing songs of worship.The Bible contains over four hundred references to singing and fifty direct commands to sing, with two direct commands to sing to the Lord when we gather. (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16).So, while there are many forms of worship, singing congregationally is one of our expressions in response to His desire for us to worship Him.

Prayer. During each service we take time to pray congregationally as well.This time is typically focused on the specific needs of individuals, but may also include prayer for our church, community, government, and social issues.

Message. It is our desire that you grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Each Sunday you can expect to hear a scripturally sound message that reveals Jesus and His intentions for your life.

Response. During your time in our service, we fully expect that you will encounter the presence of God. It’s His presence that leads us to examine our life and our relationship with Christ.The end of our service typically offers a time for you to respond to your experience with a time of personal prayer, corporate prayer or worship in song.

Wednesday Nights (NEXT GEN)

Our Wednesday night services are geared towards two groups of people, children (JAM Student Ministries) and teenagers (The ARK Student Ministries). These are our two major ministries in addition to Sunday Morning Services. If you are planning a visit to join in one of these to groups, you can find the information that you need on the JAM or ARK pages found in the MINISTRIES menu.